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Historic Natchez Cemetery
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Support the Cemetery
This Video Tour Benefits
The Natchez City Cemetery Association
Caring for the people of Natchez who have passed on, and their resting place…for generations to come.
The Natchez City Cemetery Association is a 501(c)(13) non-profit, mutual cemetery company, dedicated to preservation and maintenance of the beauty and the historic significance of the Natchez City Cemetery and its residents. We do this through on-going strategic projects specifically designed for these purposes, community outreach, visitor tours, and special events like “Angels On The Bluff.”
Find out how you can be a part of this important work through volunteer opportunities, financial or other donations. All donations are used to maintain and improve the cemetery. Gifts are deductible for tax purposes. Contact us by email (natchezcitycemetery@msn.com), phone at 601-445-5051 or by mail at:
150 Cemetery Road, Natchez, MS 39120
Cemetery Etiquette Guidelines and Policies
Our historic cemetery is one of the most beautiful and serene cemeteries in the South. Please help us maintain its beauty by observing the following rules.
1. Please stay in the designated walkways and do not disturb memorials or artifacts.
2. Please show respect for the dead and for their families. Do not intrude on funeral or memorial services. Do not bring alcohol, firearms or entertainment items (radios, CD players, etc.) into the cemetery.
3. Skateboards, go-carts, and ATVs are not permitted.
4. Well-behaved children under the direct supervision of responsible adults are always welcome. Please teach your children to respect cemeteries.
5. Keep your pets under your control on a leash and clean up after them.
6. Please do not disturb the wildlife that inhabits the cemetery.
7. Please do not litter, (This includes cigarette butts.) Trash receptacles are located throughout the cemetery for your convenience.
8. Decorative items—including but not limited to statues and flags—may be placed in a private family lot only by relatives of those buried in the lot.
9. One small American flag, secured in a flag holder, may be displayed in each family plot. One statue per plot is permitted.
10. Pinwheels, wind chimes, glass vases and jars, solar devices and other decorative objects are not permitted.
11. Artificial flowers will be removed as soon as they are faded. All flowers shall be secured in an urn or unbreakable vase attached to or placed on the monument.
12. Please register group activities in advance with the superintendent.
13. No additions and/or improvements to lots (i.e., benches, landscaping, walls, etc.) shall be made without the express approval of the beautifications committee of the Natchez City Cemetery Association.
14. No spreading of cremation ashes.
For details on the rules and regulations for interring loved one in the Natchez City Cemetery, please visit: http://www.natchez.ms.us/DocumentCenter/View/1204/Burying-Your-Loved-Ones-4-5-2020-1
Natchez City Cemetery
2 Cemetery Road • Natchez, MS 39120
P. O. Box 1738 • Natchez, MS 39120
Phone: (601)445-5051